Devil's girl

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I met a girl in Devil's song.
She made for me the bridge to past,
Which I've been searching for a long,
But didn't find its famous nest.

I called her flame but it was cold.
She laughed and laughed and ran away.
I wanted life with new and old,
She was my savior and prey.

That's why I prayed the Hell for sense.
The answer was: «You need a fear».
So I invited Hell to dance,
And then received the hurtful thrill.

I smiled to Death and she was proud.
I let her blame my dreadful soul.
She made me think I was a God,
But dirty ashes has been blown.

The Phoenix rose from deadly dream.
Last time the love destroyed his life.
The fire spreads in fastest stream.
So burn my love, 'cause you can't strive.

Иван Березка
Иван Березка
Начинающий писатель, поэт, актёр и драматург. Люблю рок, философию и то, что называется "мир".

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 55114

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 30 Августа 2022 года

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