Возрастные ограничения 18+
Author: Rushana Zaripova
Tel.: +99899 678 25 18
Е-mail: rushana_zaripova@list.ru
Respublika: Uzbekistan
Viloyat: Surxondaryo
Tuman: Muzrabot
Shaharcha: “Do`stlik”
I lost my pleasure tonight,
The moon and stars became my secret.
My heart aches with longing,
Tears welled up in my eyes.
The heart is yellow like a leaf,
My eyes are shivering.
The tongue is crushed by longing,
My eyes plaintive sad-looking
passing away my nights sleepless
looking forward to my love
manifesting my feeling
composing poems my heart
Tel.: +99899 678 25 18
Е-mail: rushana_zaripova@list.ru
Respublika: Uzbekistan
Viloyat: Surxondaryo
Tuman: Muzrabot
Shaharcha: “Do`stlik”
I lost my pleasure tonight,
The moon and stars became my secret.
My heart aches with longing,
Tears welled up in my eyes.
The heart is yellow like a leaf,
My eyes are shivering.
The tongue is crushed by longing,
My eyes plaintive sad-looking
passing away my nights sleepless
looking forward to my love
manifesting my feeling
composing poems my heart
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