One hundred seconds in our arms...

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One hundred seconds in our arms
We play and laugh with our arms.
Long path to end we spend our time
On watching films and making rhyme.
Don’t want to love. It seems so cheap!
Don’t want to learn, just make one heap
And jump from one heap to another
With no thoughts about your mother
With whom you played, with whom you laughed,
Who raised you smart with endless love.
One half is left. We don’t make rhymes
We’re having thefts and wars and crimes.
We’re making bombs instead of words.
Forget about peaceful thoughts!
We smile with love with hearts been cold,
With friends we’re kind but thoughts are cold!
And once, you glance at what you did
You’ve lost your chance. All that you need
Is dead at last. You are along
Where is the past! Your youth is gone!
So, you close eyes in endless ache
Ignore the voice trying to beg!
It’s time to sit back and unwind
To think of things that we denied.
As in our pocket we have thirty.
Hands are in blood and they are dirty.
We’re cleaning hearts covered by frost
With fire of fear afraid of cost.
We want to rhyme and to restart
The soul was full, now it’s a part.
We’ve sold our souls it’s in the rime!
Try to compose but there’s no rhyme!
One second left and here’s the bill.
“Tic toc, tic toc”, — the clocks instill.
-Why zero? — would you like to say.
You have not live, so, you don’t pay,

Евгения Гафт
Евгения Гафт
Мои скромные литературные эксперименты. Очень рада буду услышать ваше мнение, многоуважаемый читатель.

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 34018

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 26 Мая 2020 года

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