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Возрастные ограничения 16+

Did you think we are didn’t exist?
Those who ruled over the darkness?
Forgot the monsters that came in your nightmares?
Who was hiding in the mist?
You didn’t even notice us,
Although we were among you!
Pale skin, red eyes, dazzling fangs,
Together with eternal immortality,
We can transform into bats,
Unlike you, we are living differently,
Deny it as before so diligently,
We are above the laws of the gods,
And does not obey the will of their worlds,
No one and nothing are can’t kill us.
There is no such noble son,
Or the heat of the mighty sun,
Not a caustic onion, not an aspen stake,
Nothing can’t stop our campaign,
If you think otherwise, this is your terrible mistake,
We are nobody and we are everything,
Irrelevant how holy you are or the heavier your sin,
Our teeth stick into every neck,
Descend from behind your back,
Let’s drink the blood of every human,
Every child, man and woman,
If you survive, this our grace,
Behold the vampire in your face,
If you die, this is your fate,
To be our food is the destiny of your race.
In this night we are have all power now,
We have all the power in this night,
We will be feasting tonight,
Erase all your kind from this land,
This will be our long-awaited ascent,
The vampires had been sleeping too long,
They want to sing their song,
Ascend to your rightful throne,
The undead must take back their crown,
After centuries we will finally have a victory,
You don't know it yet, but we've already won,
We will already make our great history.
You can run, resist, or hide,
It will be fun, if you want to fight,
No matter what, we will win,
We wish you a terrible Halloween!

Le Classicisme - от французского языка "Классицизм", любимое направление автора в культуре и искусстве. Сей псевдоним был взят им совершенно спонтанно. Сам же..

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 38460

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 31 Октября 2020 года

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